PSU Passport Version 2
Student Services
Staff Services
Authorize Account
Register/Reset Google Education Services
with PSU Passport
Username *
Password *
Google Password *
Google Re-Password *
Show Password
         Change Password
After press change password button.
Please wait for a few seconds for processing data.

Password Policy
Condition Validate
1. Contain english alphabet
    (a-z, A-Z) at least 1 character
2. Contain numberic (0-9)
    at least 1 character
3. Contain special character
    ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . : ;
    = ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

    at least 1 character
4. Password not contain another
    char of condition 1-3
5. Minimum password length 8 chars
6. New password must match with
    Re-New Password
1. Should not use dictionary word
2. Should not use your profile
3. Should not use your organization
Wrong Password Example
Example Cause
 abc123 No special char and length
less than 8 (Con. 3,5)
 พาสเวิร์ด No another language
English only(Con. 1-4)
 zxcabc1*€ Contain char not in
set of special char
(Con. 4)